Monday, November 16, 2009

Why is my female cat skin thin?

I got my female cat newtured almost 6 mths ago but shes seems to be getting thinner and thinner . S he used to be really fat b4 that op HELP ME PLEASE !!!!!!!

Why is my female cat skin thin?
Could be worms...could be disease. Take it to the vet with a fecal sample and the vet may want to run some diagnostic tests to check for various diseases (some of which are deadly!).

Please call your vet!
Reply:Well are you feeding her wet or dry food if you are feeding her wet food Change because that helps then loss wait and dye food help them get more fat. That is because dye goes bye slower and wet goes bye fast wich is not good

good luck
Reply:my daughter had a cat that got really thin. they finally took her to the vet and her blood gluclose levels were screwy. she was diabetic i think. she died. take her to the vet and get parasite tests and blood tests.
Reply:take her to the vet right away, no one online can diagnose something without getting to check her over
Reply:If she's lost a lot of weight, you need to take her to the vet for a physical exam. There could be a variety of reasons...don't wait until it's too late to help her.
Reply:it can be many things. have you changed the cat's food lately?? if so, this can be it. cat's can not handle a sudden change in diet. it gives them the runs. if this is not it, you should take her to the vet.! it may be serous.

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