Friday, November 20, 2009

Fat people have more skin. So, why are thin people called "skinny"?

Fat people don't have more skin. The act of gaining weight doesn't produce more skin.


Response to eve-in-BKK-not-thai:

Fat people do NOT have more skin, anyone who thinks so is just ignorant of biology. Once you reach adulthood, you have the same amount of skin and fat cells for the rest of your life. Fat cells are repositories for storing fat, as that’s what their purpose is. Fat itself is just simply a stored form of energy. When a person gains weight they don’t produce more fat cells, however, their existing fat cells grow larger as they store more and more fat.

When you lose weight, the process reverses itself. The body removes fat from its fat cells and uses it as energy and the fat cells shrink in the process; however, they don’t go away. They’re still there; they’re just smaller because they’re not holding as much fat.

Skin is malleable and can be stretched, which is why when someone who is very obese and then loses weight, their skin may become loose, giving the appearance of more skin, however, the act of gaining weight didn't produce more skin. They still have the same amount they had when they reached adulthood.

The only way you can actually lose fat cells, and not just fat itself, is by liposuction, as liposuction removes the actual fat cells and not just the fat they contain.

Fat people have more skin. So, why are thin people called "skinny"?
Didn't answer the question in the slightest. Report It

Reply:Dear, fat people have more skin and fat (flesh)- a lot. Thin people have skin and fat - very little, maybe they only have skin left, that's why thin people are called "skinny" -- only skin wraps their bodies
Reply:I think it is because skin is thin.
Reply:Appropriate nowadays as thin ( hence skin ) is in.
Reply:ever heard about the say "only skin and bones"? wall, it exist, at least in romania :)

so that's why i think that thin peoples are called skinny
Reply:its just a grammatical error...
Reply:Because fer thin people, without much flesh, all it's left to hold them is just their skin
Reply:thin pple are called skinny because their bone structure tends to show through the skin.fat pple don't have more skin,they have alot of meat/fat in their bodies unlike slim pple who have heavy bones.
Reply:ic wat u mean..fat ppl r bigger n there4 more skin is needed 2 cover them..but in actual fact u dont grow skin u expand them..dats y when a person looses weight u can c d extra skin hanging..on the question, they r called dat way bcuz dats all they have...unlike fat ppl who have fat u call them offence 2 anybody.
Reply:Maybe because thin people have less fat. You can see more of the skin and less of the fat. Isn't that self-explanatory?

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