Friday, November 20, 2009


What does it mean to be thin-skinned?? Someone called me that, and I need to know what it means.

it means that you are extra-sensitive to criticism and your feelings get hurt easily. You are easily offended. There is nothing wrong with that. I am very sensitive. Sometimes it can work to your disadvantage... because we have a harder time letting comments made go. But being thin-skinned is also a good quality to have.... unlike being thick-skinned, we have the innate ability to feel how others would feel and we are empathetic people... we feel the hurts of others. We carefully think through things before we say or do things, in the hopes of not offending or hurting others by our words or actions. That is a good quality to have.
Reply:It means that you take everything seriously instead of not letting it get to you. Your feelings get hurt easily.
Reply:It means that you get your feelings hurt easily. They think you need to let things go instead of letting them hurt you. There is nothing wrong with being thin-skinned, as many people are.
Reply:It means you are sensitive, most likely to words.

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