Thursday, May 7, 2009

Change in mood, run tofight, thin skin layer, lazy body and eyes of teenage mean that boy is addict to drug?

change in mood, run tofight, thin skin layer, lazy body and eyes of teenage mean that boy is addict to drug?

Change in mood, run tofight, thin skin layer, lazy body and eyes of teenage mean that boy is addict to drug?
Could be lake for sleep, changing hormones, change in diet, a number of things. If you are concerned enough to ask this question then it is time to go snooping. Yes I know invasion of privacy but you might want to before you jump the gun and go into the big drug talk. Which by the way don't ask if they are doing drugs, all you're going to hear is "no, I would never." Do your homework first online about the common drugs ie, pot, herion, crystal meth, cocaine, opium, inhalents, and many others. Read an online issue of High Times magazine if you don't understand why he sees drug use as exciting. Its usually not about rebelion as parents would like to think but experimentaion and curiousity.

Good Luck!!!
Reply:it sound to me like he could be.... the best way to find out is to take him for drug tests.... good luck on that..
Reply:yeh, the symtoms described by u seems to be of those who r on drugs.

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